ovule|ovules in English


[o·vule || 'əʊvjuːl /'ɒv-]

egg-like structure which develops into a seed following fertilization (Botany); immature egg (Biology)

Use "ovule|ovules" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ovule|ovules" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ovule|ovules", or refer to the context using the word "ovule|ovules" in the English Dictionary.

1. Autogamy can occur in a chasmogamous flower if: (a) Pollen matures before maturity of ovule (b) Ovules mature before maturity of pollen (c) Both pollen and ovules mature simultaneously (d) Both anther and stigma are of equal lengths

2. Two adaxial ovules developed on each scale after dormancy and each ovule formed a funnel-like integument tip with a nucellus at the base of the shallow funnel.

3. Based on the position of micropyle and ovule orientation with respect to the funicle, there are five types of ovules as orthotropous or Atropous, anAtropous, campylotropous, amphitropous and hemianAtropous

4. Pistil, stamen, ovule, pollen!

5. Orthotropous (Atropous) This is where the body of these ovules is straight so that the chalaza, where the nucellus and integuments merge, the funicle, which attaches the ovule to the placenta, and the micropyle are all aligned

6. Orthotropous or Atropous ovule (ortho-straight, tropous - turn) The body of the ovule is erect or straight

7. After double fertilization, these ovules will become seeds.

8. AnAtropous ovule (ana - backward or up, tropous - turn)

9. Orthotropous or Atropous ovule (ortho-straight, tropous - turn) The body of the ovule is erect or straight

10. Solution: In orthotropous ovule (also called Atropous or erect ovule) chalaza, micropyle and funicle lie in a straight line

11. Carpels - made up of stigma, style and ovules

12. It is found in Alismaceae, Butamaceae families.Circinotropous ovule- The nucellus and the axis are in the same line in the beginning but due to rapid growth on one side, the ovule becomes anAtropous.AnAtropous ovule is a completely inverted ovule turned back 180° on its

13. The only key to this mystery is finding a series of Carpels transitional from fully closed with enclosed ovules to open with naked ovules.

14. Atropous Solution In amphitropous ovule, the body of embryo becomes curved and looks like anAtropous ovule but here the embryo sac also curves …

15. It is also known as Atropous or straight ovule.

16. The seeds are preserved immature ovules of the plant Elkinsia polymorpha.

17. Androecium, Female Gametes, Male Gametes, Ovules, Pistil, Pollen Grains, Stamen

18. 5 words related to Chalaza: ovule, plant part, plant structure, egg, animal tissue

19. In origin, Carpels are leaves (megasporophylls) that have evolved to enclose the ovules

20. In angiosperms the ovules are enclosed within the central floral organs, the Carpels

21. The stamens are stem-like and the ovule develops from the floret apical meristem.

22. Pollen and ovule abortion rates increase with the increasing number of interchanges in a stock.

23. 5 words related to Chalaza: ovule, plant part, plant structure, egg, animal tissue

24. The part within the ovary of a flowering plant to which the ovules are attached.

25. Pollination drops formed acropetally in the conelet and only once from each ovule.